First Beta Numbers!

Just got the call today from my first beta! After a little worrying because they had told me they would call at 4:00 pm and it was 5:15 before I heard from them (and I called the Nurse Coordinator a few times to make sure they didn’t forget about me and there was no answer all three times!) After an hour of sweaty palms and my mind racing and wondering if I perhaps read those pregnancy tests all wrong, I was utterly relieved when they called to let me know that 12dp3dt our first beta number is  strong at 1035!! I go in tomorrow to fill my prescription, and then Tuesday is my next appointment. I’m unsure if I get another blood test in 2 days, (Most of what I have read, they do another beta to make sure numbers are doubling in the States, but being in Korea, things are done somewhat differently) but I was too happy to ask what exactly is going to happen next week, all I cared about was that the baby (or babies?!) are strong for today. God is too good! 


33 thoughts on “First Beta Numbers!

    • I double checked again today when I had to go in for the prescription that that was, for sure my number, and she confirmed it was, thankfully and I didn’t imagine her saying that:-) Twins would be a double blessing, for sure!

    • Thank you so much, I can’t wait either, although I’m a little nervous too. Our ultrasound is scheduled for Next Thursday. I’ve been thinking about you and praying for you and baby. I am always anxious to read your posts:-)

      • My first ultrasound is next Thurs too! Prayers we both have good news on that day! I’m doing okay. It’s just been a crazy week and I’m so exhausted! I started to write a draft post yesterday talking about how tired I am and was too too tired to finish writing it 😊

  1. Praise Him!!! That’s such a high number! I’ve been holding my breath waiting for this post! So thrilled for you! You are going to be an awesome mother. I can’t wait!!!

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